yeah. school hols :Dtomorrow's teacher's day.hopefully someone gives my mum chocolatedyyyyyyying. of shortage of chocolate :(only MnM's leftwhich is really sad.borrowed lynette's kite's worth reading.i felt like almost crying but as usual,it got stuck.i trained myself not to cry.and i'm kinda good at it, i guess.oh well. hahah. it chokes you so you cough.tried to do handstand.failed, but i had fun with Eunice is what counts, right?
driving in the (saw the jewellery advert on bus) i'll buy you a diamond (looks at mum) what for. why do woman like diamonds anyways? whats the phrase. diamonds are a girl's best friend?pa: umm, diamonds are forever?me: wah, diamonds are forever my head. they're just stones. isn't jade supposed to be the forever stone?mum: um, jade is old fashioned la. not many people want to wear very old fashioned meh? i like leh. not like diamonds. so shiny. why girls like shiny things? in their hormones or something? urgh.parents: err...and i laughed so loud the entire bus stop turned to stare when pa told my mum that she looked pregnant in the dress. like "fat" wasn't enough. pregnant... oh well, depends on the months right? hahaha. i like sundays. except that dumby had to go back yesterday. hmmpa taught me a new phrasepencopet itu mencopet dompet saya. haha try saying it. heehee. it's funny and guess the meaning. :D
thursday!the week passes so fast. no more common tests, no more nothing i'm happy and teh REALLY amuses me. like really. she makes me laugh just by being her weird self. i'll show you why.
speaks for itself. . . and
haha. therefore i conclude that teh, although scary, can be amusing as well. teehee. and 11 more days to her bday. i got a free countdown thing. hahaha. laughlaughlaugh. teeheeheeeeheeeeeee
one more month till i can take out my braces!!!but another month of uncomfortablerubberbands. spoiler.i read the papers yesterday and saw that liu xiang had pulled out of the race i most wanted to watch! :(and then i read today's and many people said that he faked mean la! are china so desperate for a gold!?!okay back to reality, mathhhhhhh.
happy birthday empress! it's hard to actually think empress is younger than me when i'm always childish around her. hahahahaha. i think she's too mature laaaaa. :D  empress and i in our more youthful days :( come to think of it, i knew her for hmm, 7 years?!
i just got a new television and my dad kinda got impatient fixing you're gonna get on everyone's hate list soon. pa: wah so serious? me: and if you don't fix it, you might end up on the hell list cause the depths of hatred is not deep enough for you. pa: wah, you curse your father. so xiong. the book shelf broke are you gonna get a new shelf or not? pa: (no answer) me: everything's getting old. pa: yah. me: you too. pa: ni zhe ge jia huo. me: (no answer)
A friend is a second self. -Aristotlehard to find someone like you,isn't it?
Dynasty warriors!!!nothing beats running around, getting lost and slashing people in your way.funfunfun and riding jack is more important than saving glenda :Pwatched the Olympic open at glenda's house.hmm, quite majestic and you can really sense the chinese element in everything.watched like 1 hour of countries walking out. oh welltomorrow is a great day
yeah. school hols :Dtomorrow's teacher's day.hopefully someone gives my mum chocolatedyyyyyyying. of shortage of chocolate :(only MnM's leftwhich is really sad.borrowed lynette's kite's worth reading.i felt like almost crying but as usual,it got stuck.i trained myself not to cry.and i'm kinda good at it, i guess.oh well. hahah. it chokes you so you cough.tried to do handstand.failed, but i had fun with Eunice is what counts, right?
driving in the (saw the jewellery advert on bus) i'll buy you a diamond (looks at mum) what for. why do woman like diamonds anyways? whats the phrase. diamonds are a girl's best friend?pa: umm, diamonds are forever?me: wah, diamonds are forever my head. they're just stones. isn't jade supposed to be the forever stone?mum: um, jade is old fashioned la. not many people want to wear very old fashioned meh? i like leh. not like diamonds. so shiny. why girls like shiny things? in their hormones or something? urgh.parents: err...and i laughed so loud the entire bus stop turned to stare when pa told my mum that she looked pregnant in the dress. like "fat" wasn't enough. pregnant... oh well, depends on the months right? hahaha. i like sundays. except that dumby had to go back yesterday. hmmpa taught me a new phrasepencopet itu mencopet dompet saya. haha try saying it. heehee. it's funny and guess the meaning. :D
thursday!the week passes so fast. no more common tests, no more nothing i'm happy and teh REALLY amuses me. like really. she makes me laugh just by being her weird self. i'll show you why.
speaks for itself. . . and
haha. therefore i conclude that teh, although scary, can be amusing as well. teehee. and 11 more days to her bday. i got a free countdown thing. hahaha. laughlaughlaugh. teeheeheeeeheeeeeee
one more month till i can take out my braces!!!but another month of uncomfortablerubberbands. spoiler.i read the papers yesterday and saw that liu xiang had pulled out of the race i most wanted to watch! :(and then i read today's and many people said that he faked mean la! are china so desperate for a gold!?!okay back to reality, mathhhhhhh.
happy birthday empress! it's hard to actually think empress is younger than me when i'm always childish around her. hahahahaha. i think she's too mature laaaaa. :D  empress and i in our more youthful days :( come to think of it, i knew her for hmm, 7 years?!
i just got a new television and my dad kinda got impatient fixing you're gonna get on everyone's hate list soon. pa: wah so serious? me: and if you don't fix it, you might end up on the hell list cause the depths of hatred is not deep enough for you. pa: wah, you curse your father. so xiong. the book shelf broke are you gonna get a new shelf or not? pa: (no answer) me: everything's getting old. pa: yah. me: you too. pa: ni zhe ge jia huo. me: (no answer)
A friend is a second self. -Aristotlehard to find someone like you,isn't it?
Dynasty warriors!!!nothing beats running around, getting lost and slashing people in your way.funfunfun and riding jack is more important than saving glenda :Pwatched the Olympic open at glenda's house.hmm, quite majestic and you can really sense the chinese element in everything.watched like 1 hour of countries walking out. oh welltomorrow is a great day
By post:
mondayyy. 1 down 4 to go.heh and 9 down 1 to go fo...
("we're like 2 gay brothers, stealing cows")seen t...
i know the show is really old,but go watch Band of...
5 day holiday = happynessDuring our free periods t...
I was walking on the way to some lesson today and ...
Ahh, school tomorrow. =(I really, really don't lik...
Happy New Year =)School starts tomorrow =( man...c...
i need a new bike =(my bike stalled like 4 times t...
Hmmm it's boxing dayand only means that it is clos...
tmr is youth camp, hmmmmmmHad a gathering at my ho...
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