Thought Process
Jack of all trades,
king of none
Not very cool,
Not trying anymore

I was walking on the way to some lesson today and then it started drizzling.
and I remembered how every single time on a thursday at 3.20 exact, it would never ever rain. for the past half a year.
but then today it suddenly rained.
that reminded me of how i broke my promise to God. I felt quite sad that it rained the moment i broke my promise.
then i remembered that someone said during cell.
"God doesn't need us to glorify him"
God is already almighty but it is due to the fact that we love him that we will want to glorify him, no?
and not because he needs the glory.
Suddenly i thought of all the blessings that He has provided me with and then the rain stopped.

God really appears to us when we most need him. The best encouragement I can ever, ever get.