HAH. HAPPYfamily.
my sister is going to KOREA to study! hehee. for 3 months. i'm preparing to raid her room right after i return from school with my reuby! partner in CRIMEEE! all ready man. ROOM RAIDERS SINGAPORE! yay. well, she's going to miss my birthday so she owes me a present. yupp. and so does nicole yee. :D a monkey pencil case. :DD and so when someone goes out to study, we go out to have a farewell dinner! hmm. i got more photos.
 Hardworking reuby writing his last words on the card. :D lol. he drew a eeyore as usual.

pa looking greedy. mayo on bread. HAH. never tried. but i couldn't bite. ): the trip to the dentist was bad. the dentist as usual is SUPER weird and lame. he was telling me why old people don't wear braces. err. cause he wanted to push my teeth forward and he said it wouldn't hurt. he continued saying that old people couldn't take the pain cause their teeth wouldn't move... blahblahblah. and that young people's teeth can anyhow move. like HUH? major weirdo. and he looks young when he puts the mask looks like a business man (OLD) when he takes it off. i couldn't even recognise him till he called me. OOPS. my braces are green again. cause there are not alot of nice colours. too many pink. :D so i chose back the same green (: and i took the character test that reuby got during his workshop. i FAILED. means i have to improve my character. upon 100 i got 49. GAH. reuby got 41. HAH. i won. my character is GOOD okay. i'm not some angel. so i guess it's okay. *shrugs. oh well, BYEBYE JIE!
I JUST REALISED I HAD FRIENDSTER. i was really bored and suddenly remembered that delia told me i had friendster. then i OBVIOUSLY DENIED cause i thought i didn't. but I DO. man... my memory is real bad. so just for fun i went to the friendster website and typed in my email then i clicked sent password. and it really sent. BLEAH. and it was a password i never used before. DOUBLE BLEAH. heh. so sorry delia :Dhah. so today is the last session of netball for JOY. sniff. she's quitting cause of tution. ehh. and today *koropok was picking on joy and *olivia mary was laughing away. heh. phew there wasn't gel today if not poor mr khoo will remain as background music. (:and LAOSHI CAN RUN. i mean like she's 60+ years old. like senior citizen and she RAN 10 rounds around the track. if i ran 6 i would be like walking. and maybe by 10, i would be hmm... crawling or just dead on the track. AHHH. i can still run the 2.4 but after that i'm going to WALK. (:i'm going to ask my personal coach aka the totally slack reuby to train me. heh. but it doesn't have any motivation cause i know he's going to win me anyway. ARGH. and i realised the slower you run the more tired you are. so it's either you RUN FAST, WALK or DROP DEAD.*names will be changed to protect the identity of ... blahblahblah.
To Joy : looks like only mid week crisis hits you. i actually was wide awake during history LISTENING. oh well, maybe cause i had too much sleep. but of cause i got bad results, so maybe you can count that as a mid-week crisis.I just passed all the tests this week. history, physics, chinese... as in not pass like say eg. 60/100. mines like 50.5/100 that kind. yupp. almost there, carol. thats what miss choe wrote. :D and my parents didn't scold as usual. my mum said i was trying to adapt to secondary school life so it's okay for the first term and pa didn't want to know my result. heehee. cause i told him he might get a heart attack and he decided that i should sms him but i forgot. mawhaw. :DDso i'm going to work harder! yeah. CAROL IS WORKING HARD. no one ever believes i would work hard. even myself. (: people like nicole, glenda or yc should not be shocked. yes, do NOT be shocked. :D my work hard is probably going to be studying for say 1 hour before a test? yupp. thats not bad. cause i got a really rude shock when i didn't flip through my textbook for physics and i barely passed. heh. and when i didn't study for chinese too. hmmm... thats how my marks go roller coaster. :DD exciting yet shocking. hah. you might scream and laugh or you might just PUKE. hawhaw. yupp. but for one thing, if you never ever knew. I NEVER SAT ROLLER COASTERS. except for the alpha 8 at the theme park if you counted that. and to think a little girl died there and they closed it. bleah. every jerk feels like you're falling off.and last year i got top for english in 6.2 for a ca with rachel and then i was last for science. and both were taught by mrs yeo. i think she got quite a bad shock :D hah. and i want to change school too. ): not that mg is a bad school but its SUPER ANGMOH. my chinese used to be good in kindergarten and okay in p3 but afterwards it sounded so angmoh i couldn't believe it was ME. I AM NEVER GOING TO ACJC. NEVER IN MY LIFE. cause in other schools, there are people who SPEAK chinese. going to mgs is never going to help. no one speaks chinese except xinyi and hengxuan. BLEAH. i should have gone peihwa. maybe i'll end up like my family. straight As for chinese. till o level still can get a1. if my sibling had one A it probably would be chinese. BLEAH. and if i had one F it's probably chinese. ARGH.
I've am super angry with home economics. ARGH.mrs phua expects me to get the recipe and do the invitation card by one week?!?this is what she said. "girls, the invitation card only can be done using the computer."okay, perhaps not word for word but she meant the same thing.when we ask the reason. answer: it's not fair to those who aren't artistic.okay. so we get it. and can i ask if it's fair to those who do not have a printer?!? ARGH.so mines going to be black and white lah. FAIL LORH. who cares? i'm not going to get my father to buy a special coloured printer for home econs. its so DUMB. and stupid. why don't they just let those who can't draw print and let those who don't have COLOURED PRINTERS draw. huh. SO ANGRY. I"M GOING BERSERK. if really cannot, i am going to pass up my card IN A THUMBDRIVE so mrs phua can happily help me print with school ink.
To ZENNY : if you are ever seeing this, what is the password to your BLOGGG. it's so annoying. i keep getting to the YOU ARE LAME website. like ARGH. i know i'm lame but i it's ENOUGHHHH.and yeah, i am going retarted due to extreme BOREDOM.okay, so today people came to visit. err. but everyone was ignoring me and watching JJ'S CONCERT. like what?!? i am like standing there but everyone's eyes was staring at a box which has colour and sound coming out of it. so much for technology. eeee... and there was one part where gerald was talking to me then suddenly JJ started singing his favourite song and he ran out to the living room. MANN!!! he went, "my favourite song!" and ran out. ehh. and i was shocked and just sat there like a dumbdumb. staring into space. and i wanted to play bridge super badly but no one wanted. in the end i played MAGIC TRICKS with reuby's friend. some weird shuffling trick. i can do it now but not really good. after that i just collapsed on my bed while smsing olivia till carol decided she was very sleepy and ignored all following smses. yupp. and olivia was supposed to come to my house for lunch but her mum thought it was dinner and went out to eat with her cousins instead. GAHHH. does lunch and dinner rhyme?
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! :Dheehee. i came back from visiting not long ago. VISITING THE DEADDD!i mean my grandma which is super ancient and resting in peace at mount vernon. if you know where it is. she's a legendary TIGER. my mum said she's super fierce. she died 3 months after i was born. yupp. LENGENDARY. okay, back to REAL ALIVE people. i visited my grandfather after church. yupp. err, my grandfather lives with my aunt so indirectly visiting my aunt. heh. so as usual, i don't like my father's side gathering. and to make things worse, my cousin, i meant his whole family came back from beijing. argh. i can't stand them. and all they do is gamble. huh. and lose money. how retarded is that? RETARD. i mean why gamble when you lose money? so dumb. DUMB DUMB. and then i went my grandmother's house. my mum's mum. i watch hollow man there. i love that show! i watched it 3 times maybe? heehee. but i think some parts are kind of sick but it's still cool to be hollow! and i was waiting for my super irritating uncle to come back so i can pester him but he disappeared. hmph. my uncles are super fun to pester. it's because they're SUPER RETARDED. hawhaw. if there was a retarded competition, they might win 2nd or 3rd cause REUBY will always claim the first.reuby is the only one that says that shitting is his pasttime. hah. SERIOUS. he spends time in the toilet maybe twice as much as me. due to his daily stomachaches. RETARDED! :DDand talks to himself and composes lame songs... hmmm... i told him if he knocked down someone due to his bad driving skills, i'm not gonna acknowledge him. :D really. so i am staying at home tomorrow while people come and visit me! (: and then maybe on wednesday, my annoying relatives are coming over and maybe another day, my mum's side relatives may be coming. i don't know. hmm.so... HAPPY CNY and enjoy your smelly reunions thought some of them are un nice. heh
happy really early Chinese new year. yes, hah. i've been waiting!i mean like you get hongbaos and hmm... family gatherings! i like my mum's side family gathering only. the rest are like... strangers.so as usual, a very very boring concert. jo ee was super restless and me and jean were talking about computer games. we sat like this:empty jean me jo ee sarah joy tingyi jessicaso sarah brought paper to play do or die hangman but the teacher saw and asked her to stop playing. so i played with my spongebob ball which is getting more popular with restless people. :Dafter that i went to visit mg primary teachers with glenda. and we waited for like 30 minutes cause the teachers weren't in. huh. and we took a bus down to orchard.we went hereen first where i was crying for the first time in the year. courtesy of glenda kee! she put chili in my noodle and i (as usual) cannot take chili so i started crying. as in literally. booohooohoo.then i started doodling on the table. graffiti meant to be that way what. :D and for the entire trip, me and glenda were complaining about our super heavy bag while colette was complaining about her legs having cramps. i met lynette at hereen and we met soph and yc rushing at taka. it was super funny. our mcdonalds table apparently wasn't cleared and yc came over. there were some left over fries from the other person so yc took 1. and colette went, "thats not our fries. it was there already." and yc spit the fry out. and we were all super grossed out. so the moist fry remains on the table. ewwww...haha. now i'm going to sit back and relax and enjoy this 4 day holiday. yupp. thats right. 4 days.
happy valentines day!okay. i know this is like super late but i had no time to use the laptop yesterday cause ehh, maths online test which i got 7/10 for. i feel so accomplished. ahah. :Dso valentines day in a girl's school? you get lots of presentsss! hawhaw. like edible stuff. :D brownies, cookies and ehh, flowers.hee. i actually prefer edible stuff. hah. CHOCOLATE! :DDand christe bought me this huge gigantic sunflower that made me think i was a shepard. (: hah.and i'm done with my debate! super scary lah. i was scared but they said i was confident. hee. lucky i can act well unlike minerva who said she was scared and she was practically shaking. hawhaw. like literally. :D so our next motion is .... hollywood has a bad influence on the public. which i totally agree! thats why i'm on the proposition side. YAY! haha. not like i'm a tv addict. i don't idolise famous people. only MYSELF. yupp, thats right, meeeee, myself and i! and we had surprise fire drill today. i kind of knew already. it was super boring. i forseed that and brought my pencil and eraser while joy took her paper. hah. in a real fire i would be shouting i think.so we played few rounds of hangman. all about cartoons. after that we got bored at we went to the DO or DIE round. and everyone died at the hands of sarah. anime is a kind of cartoon and we don't watch anime. huh. and i killed sarah. by using the word HELGA from hey! arnold. so smart. and she took her revenge. killed me with some weird anime called mai hime. huh. and only JO EE survived. cause it was 3 letters. DNA2. yupp. and sarah offered to help by telling us a clue. we thought it was a letter and she told us the clue. a scientific term. we were like, " you cheated us!" lol. and sarah seriously went high. awww... and i thought i was pro at hangman till i got hanged. ): aww man.and today ms gan was like, "how do i know you if i haven't seen you all before. i only saw carol and jessica before." then she smiled at me. hello ms gan? don't announce leh. i saw her in i think p2. and she remembers me lah. like err, good memory for people her age. yeah. which is a big fat disadvantage for people like me who have close encounters with her. hmm.and tomorrow i'm going out i guess. after visting teachers and all those stuff. like give orange, collect chocolates from laoshi. :D and err, yupp watch boring chinese new year concert. brace yourself, carol. BOREDOM STRIKESSS.
dumdeedum. i'm not supposed to be blogging now but hmm... can't find anything for debate tomorrow. i'm supposed to debate about how sports betting is bad. and i'm OPPOSITION. how crappy lah. i mean how can gambling be good? i came up with a stupid point that says it adds excitement to the game. huhhh. and it only lasted 10 seconds. hah. i need at least 4minutes+ lah. and today ms gan said that i mumble. i thought mumble was soft and unclear. but mine was like loud and unclear. heh. the more i talk the more saliva gets trap at the back of my toungue. bracey problem. ): and i stayed back for gym today! we got the moves quite syncronised. just need abit more and we are DONEE! YEAH. heeheeand my mum just baked brownies for valentines day. I WAS SUPPOSED TO BAKE. it's sincerity. and my mum baked it before i came home lah. reuby was super angry. me too. i mean where's the sincerity. but there's still the wrapping so i'm doing it myself (: sorry guys D:SOOO... if the brownie tastes nice, thank my mum. if it's horrible, don't follow the recipe she gives you during the later part of the year. yupp, she adds in VERY LITTLE SUGAR. healthly purposes. makes you live a REAL longer life.
back to exams. anyone know when that crappy math test was due? i didn't do and now it's gone. uhohh.i did the physics one only. phew, cause it contained like 20% of my precious CA marks. like PHEWWW. :D i feel so accomplished. and does anybody want to come to my church on the 26th of March cause on that day there will be this guy coming to talk. errr, some author of the book Taming the Tiger.it's a really nice book and to jessica if you ever see this:it's not that i want to learn KUNG FU. yupp. it's a nice book about this guy called Tony Anthony ( he's the guy coming to church to speak ). he was born to an angmoh and a chinese but being a descendant of a kung fu champion he went back to China when he was 4. yupp, to learn KUNG FUU! okay... hmmm... then he got bloodthirsty and could kill others with a few punches. and so he went in jail and witness all the horrible people and yupp... long story. but it's REALLY NICE. and just for random purposes, this p3 boy in my church thought that i learnt JUDO! oooohh, mawhawhaw. so cool. my mum learnt judo by the way, so if any of you have a bad encounter with her, she can throw you onto the ground. if you MANAGED to get her THAT angry. MAWHAW. congrats if you DOOO. :DD
To joy if you're ever reading this haw. you're forgiven man. just don't say anymore if not i'll mess up your hair. and by the way i don't like that netball senior that acts so cool. if she was THAT good in netball she wouldn't be in club anyway. (:okay, doneeee. yupp, thats right. netball again. i don't like that senior in my group. i like the one that didn't come today. and maybe sarah too. but the other one is like so unfriendly. ask naomi. the one that asked her to shutup cause naomi kept chanting stutarded. which is stupid and retarded in one. D: i can't stand her! as in the senior.and to laoshi if you ever come across this post. i am considering dropping higher chinese okay!?! and so much for thinking i couldn't understand the lame valentine's comic. and eunice had to help me explain the names cause i have REAL bad memory of names like xiaofei, xiaotian... all the xiao basically. make me xiao already. and laoshi's words were super direct.transalated to english : "if you don't have the basic of chinese, i ask you to stop learning higher chinese. Because some of the mgs girls fail higher chinese and waste their time and effort... blahblahblah. in jc... blahblahblah. like who said i want to go jc yah? i want go nafa or something. :Dmade me frightened before my tingxie and resulted in blank memory. yupp, left like super alot of blanks. just hope that i don't get a negative number.home econs. boring. everyone is like "so fun!" nicole yee says, "i look forward to it every week!" like huh. can't you just cook at home. help your maid lahh. it's like so boring especially when you don't cook. the whole lesson i was like only WASHING DISHES. for every utensil -blank- uses i wash. yupp. only last part then i dry instead of wash. but still, -blank- only washes off the soap on the dishes. i was the one soaping it. argh. the only time i got to the stove was because -blank- didn't know how to light the fire. huh. how pathetic. just give in lorh. not like there is no kitchen in my house. huh.and during gel, no one was ever listening to mr khoo talk. poor him. nicole yee sat with me and xinyi went to sit with hengxuan. we were like talking so much and mr khoo just carried on in his own world as our background music. mawhawhaw. :D MID WEEK CRISIS IS FINALLY OVER!!! WELCOME THE WEEEKKKENDDDSSS!
my newest laugh - mawhawhaw. (:lalalah. nicole yee seriously thinks i'm a retard. SO MEANNN. D:i'm like perfectly alright. just sometimes i feel really dumbb. it's called the MID WEEK CRISIShere is how mid week crisis starts.1. you feel so stressed on wednesdays and thursdays. you can't cope with your homework.2. you feel your teachers (SADLY) are picking on you and you only. arghhh. as USUAL3. you feel so depressed and you start failing all common tests. like i failed tingxie and maths. hee.it's story time!yesterday i wanted to brush my teeth at 11pm. so i went to the toilet and the door was close. err, ma must be inside so i went away. then 45minutes later came back. door still closed. pa called out "JO ARE YOU INSIDE?" and then my mum replied from the room. YAHH. and i waited like a perfectly stupid DUMB kiddo outside for the toilet door to open. D:And i thought i didn't bring my zuo wen book. so i did on paper than go home wanna copy then what! my zuowen book under my table... huh. i nicely told laoshi in hope to get 3 marks back and she told me " ni hen ben." like WHATTTT!?! you're supposed to encourage students cause maybe they are too stress to remember and you're like errr, lowering my self esteem okay laoshi!?! bad laoshi. all this crap happened in the middle of the week, therefore...HAH. i am diagnosed with mid week crisis. mawhawhaw :Di can't wait for netball tommorrow. it's super fun and err, exciting! (:ohhhyeah, i'm debating next week on gambling is bad. bahhh. and i'm opposition. so it means gambling is good? i came up with 5 really crappy reasons why gambling is good. mawhaw. and forgot to say something. why everyone asks me whether i am giving them valentine's day present? yahhh... it doesn't matter if i give someone and that person doesn't give me. i mean what for you give just for the sake of giving? it so weirrddd. so don't ask anymore! (: mawhawhaw. anyway, i am persuading my weird brother to help me bake stuff so don't blame me if it taste weirrdd like him or looks like shit. as in literally shit. cause bad brownies can look like shit. D: mawhawhaw. and just to tell christie. MAKING COOKIES OUT OF COOKIE MIX IS CHEATTINGGG. yupp, done posting (:
I am re-addicted to NEOPETS. you must go "huh?" i mean like it's SUPER FUN! okay, as a sec 1 person, i shouldn't say this. hahawell, i went back to play the account that glenda and i created during the holidays and it's super fun. we have a pet. it's a blue blumaroo thats named dinoEddie. haha. add me if you play! which is probably not the case. ): mwahahah!i've been a bit hyper. i told reuby that my friend, maxine could memorise the russel peter thingy. the !billeh. or something. then reuby started doing it the whole entire day. like ARGHHH. D:then i started going back to the playground in church to play with kids that are like 9 or 8 years old. and started telling them they ran real slow. haha. BULLY :P heehee. i missed service cause of that. heh. but it felt really good playing catching again anyway. and i was supposed to miss service to teach a korean girl english but in the end i just gave my task away. :Dmwahahah! I am so err... MEAN. I meant NICE. :DD
HAH. i'm back from netball again. it was quite fun except for the fact that i betrayed lynnete and kala. yupp, delia's fault!! okay lets see what magnificant things happened to me today.numberone: i changed from the great emperor Euklit bemson of CHINA to the great emperor Raji of INDIA. THAT ROCKS! haha. best of all i am tri lingual. which means i speak english, chinese and tamil. though my chinese sounds like english and my english sound like errr... TAMIL? how great is that!?! woohoo!numbertwo: i seriously need to change my seating arrangement!!! not that xinyi is not nice. she's quite nice but she DOES NOT TALKKK AT ALLLLL. how depressing is that? i ended up having to seat at sarah's place cause she went home and started talking crap to tingyi. yupp, and hearing her sing chinese songs. haha. my seat is the worse place ever!!! PEOPLE THERE DO NOT TALKKK. like lynette and eunice and jo ee. they don't TALKKK!!! help meee!!! lucky joy talks, if not i'll be a statue sooner or later. ahhhhh. who wants to change place with me arhh? boohoo. PLEASE TALK.
HAH. HAPPYfamily.
my sister is going to KOREA to study! hehee. for 3 months. i'm preparing to raid her room right after i return from school with my reuby! partner in CRIMEEE! all ready man. ROOM RAIDERS SINGAPORE! yay. well, she's going to miss my birthday so she owes me a present. yupp. and so does nicole yee. :D a monkey pencil case. :DD and so when someone goes out to study, we go out to have a farewell dinner! hmm. i got more photos.
 Hardworking reuby writing his last words on the card. :D lol. he drew a eeyore as usual.

pa looking greedy. mayo on bread. HAH. never tried. but i couldn't bite. ): the trip to the dentist was bad. the dentist as usual is SUPER weird and lame. he was telling me why old people don't wear braces. err. cause he wanted to push my teeth forward and he said it wouldn't hurt. he continued saying that old people couldn't take the pain cause their teeth wouldn't move... blahblahblah. and that young people's teeth can anyhow move. like HUH? major weirdo. and he looks young when he puts the mask looks like a business man (OLD) when he takes it off. i couldn't even recognise him till he called me. OOPS. my braces are green again. cause there are not alot of nice colours. too many pink. :D so i chose back the same green (: and i took the character test that reuby got during his workshop. i FAILED. means i have to improve my character. upon 100 i got 49. GAH. reuby got 41. HAH. i won. my character is GOOD okay. i'm not some angel. so i guess it's okay. *shrugs. oh well, BYEBYE JIE!
I JUST REALISED I HAD FRIENDSTER. i was really bored and suddenly remembered that delia told me i had friendster. then i OBVIOUSLY DENIED cause i thought i didn't. but I DO. man... my memory is real bad. so just for fun i went to the friendster website and typed in my email then i clicked sent password. and it really sent. BLEAH. and it was a password i never used before. DOUBLE BLEAH. heh. so sorry delia :Dhah. so today is the last session of netball for JOY. sniff. she's quitting cause of tution. ehh. and today *koropok was picking on joy and *olivia mary was laughing away. heh. phew there wasn't gel today if not poor mr khoo will remain as background music. (:and LAOSHI CAN RUN. i mean like she's 60+ years old. like senior citizen and she RAN 10 rounds around the track. if i ran 6 i would be like walking. and maybe by 10, i would be hmm... crawling or just dead on the track. AHHH. i can still run the 2.4 but after that i'm going to WALK. (:i'm going to ask my personal coach aka the totally slack reuby to train me. heh. but it doesn't have any motivation cause i know he's going to win me anyway. ARGH. and i realised the slower you run the more tired you are. so it's either you RUN FAST, WALK or DROP DEAD.*names will be changed to protect the identity of ... blahblahblah.
To Joy : looks like only mid week crisis hits you. i actually was wide awake during history LISTENING. oh well, maybe cause i had too much sleep. but of cause i got bad results, so maybe you can count that as a mid-week crisis.I just passed all the tests this week. history, physics, chinese... as in not pass like say eg. 60/100. mines like 50.5/100 that kind. yupp. almost there, carol. thats what miss choe wrote. :D and my parents didn't scold as usual. my mum said i was trying to adapt to secondary school life so it's okay for the first term and pa didn't want to know my result. heehee. cause i told him he might get a heart attack and he decided that i should sms him but i forgot. mawhaw. :DDso i'm going to work harder! yeah. CAROL IS WORKING HARD. no one ever believes i would work hard. even myself. (: people like nicole, glenda or yc should not be shocked. yes, do NOT be shocked. :D my work hard is probably going to be studying for say 1 hour before a test? yupp. thats not bad. cause i got a really rude shock when i didn't flip through my textbook for physics and i barely passed. heh. and when i didn't study for chinese too. hmmm... thats how my marks go roller coaster. :DD exciting yet shocking. hah. you might scream and laugh or you might just PUKE. hawhaw. yupp. but for one thing, if you never ever knew. I NEVER SAT ROLLER COASTERS. except for the alpha 8 at the theme park if you counted that. and to think a little girl died there and they closed it. bleah. every jerk feels like you're falling off.and last year i got top for english in 6.2 for a ca with rachel and then i was last for science. and both were taught by mrs yeo. i think she got quite a bad shock :D hah. and i want to change school too. ): not that mg is a bad school but its SUPER ANGMOH. my chinese used to be good in kindergarten and okay in p3 but afterwards it sounded so angmoh i couldn't believe it was ME. I AM NEVER GOING TO ACJC. NEVER IN MY LIFE. cause in other schools, there are people who SPEAK chinese. going to mgs is never going to help. no one speaks chinese except xinyi and hengxuan. BLEAH. i should have gone peihwa. maybe i'll end up like my family. straight As for chinese. till o level still can get a1. if my sibling had one A it probably would be chinese. BLEAH. and if i had one F it's probably chinese. ARGH.
I've am super angry with home economics. ARGH.mrs phua expects me to get the recipe and do the invitation card by one week?!?this is what she said. "girls, the invitation card only can be done using the computer."okay, perhaps not word for word but she meant the same thing.when we ask the reason. answer: it's not fair to those who aren't artistic.okay. so we get it. and can i ask if it's fair to those who do not have a printer?!? ARGH.so mines going to be black and white lah. FAIL LORH. who cares? i'm not going to get my father to buy a special coloured printer for home econs. its so DUMB. and stupid. why don't they just let those who can't draw print and let those who don't have COLOURED PRINTERS draw. huh. SO ANGRY. I"M GOING BERSERK. if really cannot, i am going to pass up my card IN A THUMBDRIVE so mrs phua can happily help me print with school ink.
To ZENNY : if you are ever seeing this, what is the password to your BLOGGG. it's so annoying. i keep getting to the YOU ARE LAME website. like ARGH. i know i'm lame but i it's ENOUGHHHH.and yeah, i am going retarted due to extreme BOREDOM.okay, so today people came to visit. err. but everyone was ignoring me and watching JJ'S CONCERT. like what?!? i am like standing there but everyone's eyes was staring at a box which has colour and sound coming out of it. so much for technology. eeee... and there was one part where gerald was talking to me then suddenly JJ started singing his favourite song and he ran out to the living room. MANN!!! he went, "my favourite song!" and ran out. ehh. and i was shocked and just sat there like a dumbdumb. staring into space. and i wanted to play bridge super badly but no one wanted. in the end i played MAGIC TRICKS with reuby's friend. some weird shuffling trick. i can do it now but not really good. after that i just collapsed on my bed while smsing olivia till carol decided she was very sleepy and ignored all following smses. yupp. and olivia was supposed to come to my house for lunch but her mum thought it was dinner and went out to eat with her cousins instead. GAHHH. does lunch and dinner rhyme?
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! :Dheehee. i came back from visiting not long ago. VISITING THE DEADDD!i mean my grandma which is super ancient and resting in peace at mount vernon. if you know where it is. she's a legendary TIGER. my mum said she's super fierce. she died 3 months after i was born. yupp. LENGENDARY. okay, back to REAL ALIVE people. i visited my grandfather after church. yupp. err, my grandfather lives with my aunt so indirectly visiting my aunt. heh. so as usual, i don't like my father's side gathering. and to make things worse, my cousin, i meant his whole family came back from beijing. argh. i can't stand them. and all they do is gamble. huh. and lose money. how retarded is that? RETARD. i mean why gamble when you lose money? so dumb. DUMB DUMB. and then i went my grandmother's house. my mum's mum. i watch hollow man there. i love that show! i watched it 3 times maybe? heehee. but i think some parts are kind of sick but it's still cool to be hollow! and i was waiting for my super irritating uncle to come back so i can pester him but he disappeared. hmph. my uncles are super fun to pester. it's because they're SUPER RETARDED. hawhaw. if there was a retarded competition, they might win 2nd or 3rd cause REUBY will always claim the first.reuby is the only one that says that shitting is his pasttime. hah. SERIOUS. he spends time in the toilet maybe twice as much as me. due to his daily stomachaches. RETARDED! :DDand talks to himself and composes lame songs... hmmm... i told him if he knocked down someone due to his bad driving skills, i'm not gonna acknowledge him. :D really. so i am staying at home tomorrow while people come and visit me! (: and then maybe on wednesday, my annoying relatives are coming over and maybe another day, my mum's side relatives may be coming. i don't know. hmm.so... HAPPY CNY and enjoy your smelly reunions thought some of them are un nice. heh
happy really early Chinese new year. yes, hah. i've been waiting!i mean like you get hongbaos and hmm... family gatherings! i like my mum's side family gathering only. the rest are like... strangers.so as usual, a very very boring concert. jo ee was super restless and me and jean were talking about computer games. we sat like this:empty jean me jo ee sarah joy tingyi jessicaso sarah brought paper to play do or die hangman but the teacher saw and asked her to stop playing. so i played with my spongebob ball which is getting more popular with restless people. :Dafter that i went to visit mg primary teachers with glenda. and we waited for like 30 minutes cause the teachers weren't in. huh. and we took a bus down to orchard.we went hereen first where i was crying for the first time in the year. courtesy of glenda kee! she put chili in my noodle and i (as usual) cannot take chili so i started crying. as in literally. booohooohoo.then i started doodling on the table. graffiti meant to be that way what. :D and for the entire trip, me and glenda were complaining about our super heavy bag while colette was complaining about her legs having cramps. i met lynette at hereen and we met soph and yc rushing at taka. it was super funny. our mcdonalds table apparently wasn't cleared and yc came over. there were some left over fries from the other person so yc took 1. and colette went, "thats not our fries. it was there already." and yc spit the fry out. and we were all super grossed out. so the moist fry remains on the table. ewwww...haha. now i'm going to sit back and relax and enjoy this 4 day holiday. yupp. thats right. 4 days.
happy valentines day!okay. i know this is like super late but i had no time to use the laptop yesterday cause ehh, maths online test which i got 7/10 for. i feel so accomplished. ahah. :Dso valentines day in a girl's school? you get lots of presentsss! hawhaw. like edible stuff. :D brownies, cookies and ehh, flowers.hee. i actually prefer edible stuff. hah. CHOCOLATE! :DDand christe bought me this huge gigantic sunflower that made me think i was a shepard. (: hah.and i'm done with my debate! super scary lah. i was scared but they said i was confident. hee. lucky i can act well unlike minerva who said she was scared and she was practically shaking. hawhaw. like literally. :D so our next motion is .... hollywood has a bad influence on the public. which i totally agree! thats why i'm on the proposition side. YAY! haha. not like i'm a tv addict. i don't idolise famous people. only MYSELF. yupp, thats right, meeeee, myself and i! and we had surprise fire drill today. i kind of knew already. it was super boring. i forseed that and brought my pencil and eraser while joy took her paper. hah. in a real fire i would be shouting i think.so we played few rounds of hangman. all about cartoons. after that we got bored at we went to the DO or DIE round. and everyone died at the hands of sarah. anime is a kind of cartoon and we don't watch anime. huh. and i killed sarah. by using the word HELGA from hey! arnold. so smart. and she took her revenge. killed me with some weird anime called mai hime. huh. and only JO EE survived. cause it was 3 letters. DNA2. yupp. and sarah offered to help by telling us a clue. we thought it was a letter and she told us the clue. a scientific term. we were like, " you cheated us!" lol. and sarah seriously went high. awww... and i thought i was pro at hangman till i got hanged. ): aww man.and today ms gan was like, "how do i know you if i haven't seen you all before. i only saw carol and jessica before." then she smiled at me. hello ms gan? don't announce leh. i saw her in i think p2. and she remembers me lah. like err, good memory for people her age. yeah. which is a big fat disadvantage for people like me who have close encounters with her. hmm.and tomorrow i'm going out i guess. after visting teachers and all those stuff. like give orange, collect chocolates from laoshi. :D and err, yupp watch boring chinese new year concert. brace yourself, carol. BOREDOM STRIKESSS.
dumdeedum. i'm not supposed to be blogging now but hmm... can't find anything for debate tomorrow. i'm supposed to debate about how sports betting is bad. and i'm OPPOSITION. how crappy lah. i mean how can gambling be good? i came up with a stupid point that says it adds excitement to the game. huhhh. and it only lasted 10 seconds. hah. i need at least 4minutes+ lah. and today ms gan said that i mumble. i thought mumble was soft and unclear. but mine was like loud and unclear. heh. the more i talk the more saliva gets trap at the back of my toungue. bracey problem. ): and i stayed back for gym today! we got the moves quite syncronised. just need abit more and we are DONEE! YEAH. heeheeand my mum just baked brownies for valentines day. I WAS SUPPOSED TO BAKE. it's sincerity. and my mum baked it before i came home lah. reuby was super angry. me too. i mean where's the sincerity. but there's still the wrapping so i'm doing it myself (: sorry guys D:SOOO... if the brownie tastes nice, thank my mum. if it's horrible, don't follow the recipe she gives you during the later part of the year. yupp, she adds in VERY LITTLE SUGAR. healthly purposes. makes you live a REAL longer life.
back to exams. anyone know when that crappy math test was due? i didn't do and now it's gone. uhohh.i did the physics one only. phew, cause it contained like 20% of my precious CA marks. like PHEWWW. :D i feel so accomplished. and does anybody want to come to my church on the 26th of March cause on that day there will be this guy coming to talk. errr, some author of the book Taming the Tiger.it's a really nice book and to jessica if you ever see this:it's not that i want to learn KUNG FU. yupp. it's a nice book about this guy called Tony Anthony ( he's the guy coming to church to speak ). he was born to an angmoh and a chinese but being a descendant of a kung fu champion he went back to China when he was 4. yupp, to learn KUNG FUU! okay... hmmm... then he got bloodthirsty and could kill others with a few punches. and so he went in jail and witness all the horrible people and yupp... long story. but it's REALLY NICE. and just for random purposes, this p3 boy in my church thought that i learnt JUDO! oooohh, mawhawhaw. so cool. my mum learnt judo by the way, so if any of you have a bad encounter with her, she can throw you onto the ground. if you MANAGED to get her THAT angry. MAWHAW. congrats if you DOOO. :DD
To joy if you're ever reading this haw. you're forgiven man. just don't say anymore if not i'll mess up your hair. and by the way i don't like that netball senior that acts so cool. if she was THAT good in netball she wouldn't be in club anyway. (:okay, doneeee. yupp, thats right. netball again. i don't like that senior in my group. i like the one that didn't come today. and maybe sarah too. but the other one is like so unfriendly. ask naomi. the one that asked her to shutup cause naomi kept chanting stutarded. which is stupid and retarded in one. D: i can't stand her! as in the senior.and to laoshi if you ever come across this post. i am considering dropping higher chinese okay!?! and so much for thinking i couldn't understand the lame valentine's comic. and eunice had to help me explain the names cause i have REAL bad memory of names like xiaofei, xiaotian... all the xiao basically. make me xiao already. and laoshi's words were super direct.transalated to english : "if you don't have the basic of chinese, i ask you to stop learning higher chinese. Because some of the mgs girls fail higher chinese and waste their time and effort... blahblahblah. in jc... blahblahblah. like who said i want to go jc yah? i want go nafa or something. :Dmade me frightened before my tingxie and resulted in blank memory. yupp, left like super alot of blanks. just hope that i don't get a negative number.home econs. boring. everyone is like "so fun!" nicole yee says, "i look forward to it every week!" like huh. can't you just cook at home. help your maid lahh. it's like so boring especially when you don't cook. the whole lesson i was like only WASHING DISHES. for every utensil -blank- uses i wash. yupp. only last part then i dry instead of wash. but still, -blank- only washes off the soap on the dishes. i was the one soaping it. argh. the only time i got to the stove was because -blank- didn't know how to light the fire. huh. how pathetic. just give in lorh. not like there is no kitchen in my house. huh.and during gel, no one was ever listening to mr khoo talk. poor him. nicole yee sat with me and xinyi went to sit with hengxuan. we were like talking so much and mr khoo just carried on in his own world as our background music. mawhawhaw. :D MID WEEK CRISIS IS FINALLY OVER!!! WELCOME THE WEEEKKKENDDDSSS!
my newest laugh - mawhawhaw. (:lalalah. nicole yee seriously thinks i'm a retard. SO MEANNN. D:i'm like perfectly alright. just sometimes i feel really dumbb. it's called the MID WEEK CRISIShere is how mid week crisis starts.1. you feel so stressed on wednesdays and thursdays. you can't cope with your homework.2. you feel your teachers (SADLY) are picking on you and you only. arghhh. as USUAL3. you feel so depressed and you start failing all common tests. like i failed tingxie and maths. hee.it's story time!yesterday i wanted to brush my teeth at 11pm. so i went to the toilet and the door was close. err, ma must be inside so i went away. then 45minutes later came back. door still closed. pa called out "JO ARE YOU INSIDE?" and then my mum replied from the room. YAHH. and i waited like a perfectly stupid DUMB kiddo outside for the toilet door to open. D:And i thought i didn't bring my zuo wen book. so i did on paper than go home wanna copy then what! my zuowen book under my table... huh. i nicely told laoshi in hope to get 3 marks back and she told me " ni hen ben." like WHATTTT!?! you're supposed to encourage students cause maybe they are too stress to remember and you're like errr, lowering my self esteem okay laoshi!?! bad laoshi. all this crap happened in the middle of the week, therefore...HAH. i am diagnosed with mid week crisis. mawhawhaw :Di can't wait for netball tommorrow. it's super fun and err, exciting! (:ohhhyeah, i'm debating next week on gambling is bad. bahhh. and i'm opposition. so it means gambling is good? i came up with 5 really crappy reasons why gambling is good. mawhaw. and forgot to say something. why everyone asks me whether i am giving them valentine's day present? yahhh... it doesn't matter if i give someone and that person doesn't give me. i mean what for you give just for the sake of giving? it so weirrddd. so don't ask anymore! (: mawhawhaw. anyway, i am persuading my weird brother to help me bake stuff so don't blame me if it taste weirrdd like him or looks like shit. as in literally shit. cause bad brownies can look like shit. D: mawhawhaw. and just to tell christie. MAKING COOKIES OUT OF COOKIE MIX IS CHEATTINGGG. yupp, done posting (:
I am re-addicted to NEOPETS. you must go "huh?" i mean like it's SUPER FUN! okay, as a sec 1 person, i shouldn't say this. hahawell, i went back to play the account that glenda and i created during the holidays and it's super fun. we have a pet. it's a blue blumaroo thats named dinoEddie. haha. add me if you play! which is probably not the case. ): mwahahah!i've been a bit hyper. i told reuby that my friend, maxine could memorise the russel peter thingy. the !billeh. or something. then reuby started doing it the whole entire day. like ARGHHH. D:then i started going back to the playground in church to play with kids that are like 9 or 8 years old. and started telling them they ran real slow. haha. BULLY :P heehee. i missed service cause of that. heh. but it felt really good playing catching again anyway. and i was supposed to miss service to teach a korean girl english but in the end i just gave my task away. :Dmwahahah! I am so err... MEAN. I meant NICE. :DD
HAH. i'm back from netball again. it was quite fun except for the fact that i betrayed lynnete and kala. yupp, delia's fault!! okay lets see what magnificant things happened to me today.numberone: i changed from the great emperor Euklit bemson of CHINA to the great emperor Raji of INDIA. THAT ROCKS! haha. best of all i am tri lingual. which means i speak english, chinese and tamil. though my chinese sounds like english and my english sound like errr... TAMIL? how great is that!?! woohoo!numbertwo: i seriously need to change my seating arrangement!!! not that xinyi is not nice. she's quite nice but she DOES NOT TALKKK AT ALLLLL. how depressing is that? i ended up having to seat at sarah's place cause she went home and started talking crap to tingyi. yupp, and hearing her sing chinese songs. haha. my seat is the worse place ever!!! PEOPLE THERE DO NOT TALKKK. like lynette and eunice and jo ee. they don't TALKKK!!! help meee!!! lucky joy talks, if not i'll be a statue sooner or later. ahhhhh. who wants to change place with me arhh? boohoo. PLEASE TALK.
By post:
mondayyy. 1 down 4 to go.heh and 9 down 1 to go fo...
("we're like 2 gay brothers, stealing cows")seen t...
i know the show is really old,but go watch Band of...
5 day holiday = happynessDuring our free periods t...
I was walking on the way to some lesson today and ...
Ahh, school tomorrow. =(I really, really don't lik...
Happy New Year =)School starts tomorrow =( man...c...
i need a new bike =(my bike stalled like 4 times t...
Hmmm it's boxing dayand only means that it is clos...
tmr is youth camp, hmmmmmmHad a gathering at my ho...
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