Thought Process
Jack of all trades,
king of none
Not very cool,
Not trying anymore

100th post :D
haha finally.
back to school again :( that reminds me of the slogan... first to bata, then to school.
then again, it's suppose to be Buy And Throw Away. :D mine lasted since sec one. still ok what.
started off the day with discover Jesus week. i didn't really get into the mood for worship. don't know why. the music was really loud and all but no one was singing. really odd. more like watching a band perform. the way pa puts it... the talk was ok iguess. we should appreciate the speaker coming all the way from bedok or something just to speak to a crowd who isn't attentive. as usual good friday and the cross.
maybe i've grown up or something, but i don't feel as guilty anymore. Good friday always gets me awake, questioning myself "what am i doing with the life that God saved? Just wasting it away like that?" If we do what is pleasing in God's eyes, we would not even need to feel the guilt, just the love of God, so much that he sent his son down to die for us.
okok. so there goes the top part which was normally meant to be written in a diary. haha. thats why i have a diary. cause your entire life and thoughts can't just be blogged.

and thanks to all the people who wished me. It's ok if you can't remember or didn't buy me anything. and please don't feel like you need to buy me something. don't.
i'm happy and contented as it is. :D

oh and to delia, my mum is amused with your fan. so red!