Thought Process
Jack of all trades,
king of none
Not very cool,
Not trying anymore

happy valentines day!
okay. i know this is like super late but i had no time to use the laptop yesterday cause ehh, maths online test which i got 7/10 for. i feel so accomplished. ahah. :D
so valentines day in a girl's school? you get lots of presentsss! hawhaw.
like edible stuff. :D brownies, cookies and ehh, flowers.
hee. i actually prefer edible stuff. hah. CHOCOLATE! :DD
and christe bought me this huge gigantic sunflower that made me think i was a shepard. (: hah.
and i'm done with my debate! super scary lah. i was scared but they said i was confident. hee. lucky i can act well unlike minerva who said she was scared and she was practically shaking. hawhaw. like literally. :D so our next motion is .... hollywood has a bad influence on the public. which i totally agree! thats why i'm on the proposition side. YAY! haha. not like i'm a tv addict. i don't idolise famous people. only MYSELF. yupp, thats right, meeeee, myself and i!

and we had surprise fire drill today. i kind of knew already. it was super boring. i forseed that and brought my pencil and eraser while joy took her paper. hah. in a real fire i would be shouting i think.
so we played few rounds of hangman. all about cartoons. after that we got bored at we went to the DO or DIE round. and everyone died at the hands of sarah. anime is a kind of cartoon and we don't watch anime. huh. and i killed sarah. by using the word HELGA from hey! arnold. so smart. and she took her revenge. killed me with some weird anime called mai hime. huh. and only JO EE survived. cause it was 3 letters. DNA2. yupp. and sarah offered to help by telling us a clue. we thought it was a letter and she told us the clue. a scientific term. we were like, " you cheated us!" lol. and sarah seriously went high. awww... and i thought i was pro at hangman till i got hanged. ): aww man.
and today ms gan was like, "how do i know you if i haven't seen you all before. i only saw carol and jessica before." then she smiled at me. hello ms gan? don't announce leh. i saw her in i think p2. and she remembers me lah. like err, good memory for people her age. yeah. which is a big fat disadvantage for people like me who have close encounters with her. hmm.

and tomorrow i'm going out i guess. after visting teachers and all those stuff. like give orange, collect chocolates from laoshi. :D and err, yupp watch boring chinese new year concert. brace yourself, carol. BOREDOM STRIKESSS.